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We realized a room divider rendering the understated beauty of one of Rembrandt’s portraits, for a restaurant. The double-sided construction separates whilst still respecting the character of the space by way of its transparency. By using the smaller DOT we were able to include a lot of detail in the image.
We realized a room divider rendering the understated beauty of one of Rembrandt’s portraits, for a restaurant. The double-sided construction separates whilst still respecting the character of the space by way of its transparency. By using the smaller DOT we were able to include a lot of detail in the image.
We realized a room divider rendering the understated beauty of one of Rembrandt’s portraits, for a restaurant. The double-sided construction separates whilst still respecting the character of the space by way of its transparency. By using the smaller DOT we were able to include a lot of detail in the image.We realized a room divider rendering the understated beauty of one of Rembrandt’s portraits, for a restaurant. The double-sided construction separates whilst still respecting the character of the space by way of its transparency. By using the smaller DOT we were able to include a lot of detail in the image.We realized a room divider rendering the understated beauty of one of Rembrandt’s portraits, for a restaurant. The double-sided construction separates whilst still respecting the character of the space by way of its transparency. By using the smaller DOT we were able to include a lot of detail in the image.We realized a room divider rendering the understated beauty of one of Rembrandt’s portraits, for a restaurant. The double-sided construction separates whilst still respecting the character of the space by way of its transparency. By using the smaller DOT we were able to include a lot of detail in the image.We realized a room divider rendering the understated beauty of one of Rembrandt’s portraits, for a restaurant. The double-sided construction separates whilst still respecting the character of the space by way of its transparency. By using the smaller DOT we were able to include a lot of detail in the image.We realized a room divider rendering the understated beauty of one of Rembrandt’s portraits, for a restaurant. The double-sided construction separates whilst still respecting the character of the space by way of its transparency. By using the smaller DOT we were able to include a lot of detail in the image.We realized a room divider rendering the understated beauty of one of Rembrandt’s portraits, for a restaurant. The double-sided construction separates whilst still respecting the character of the space by way of its transparency. By using the smaller DOT we were able to include a lot of detail in the image.We realized a room divider rendering the understated beauty of one of Rembrandt’s portraits, for a restaurant. The double-sided construction separates whilst still respecting the character of the space by way of its transparency. By using the smaller DOT we were able to include a lot of detail in the image.

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